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To help us continue improving your experience and our product, we’d love to know how happy you are with your recent experience using Wix fonts. Please take this super-quick survey so that we can keep finding new ways to make you happy!
To help us continue improving your experience and our product, we’d love to know how happy you are with your recent experience using Wix fonts. Please take this super-quick survey so that we can keep finding new ways to make you happy!
To help us continue improving your experience and our product, we’d love to know how happy you are with your recent experience using Wix fonts. Please take this super-quick survey so that we can keep finding new ways to make you happy!
1. We are working on improving the font features in the Wix Editor. Which of the following features is most important to you? *This question is required.
3. How likely are you to recommend Wix to a friend or colleague? *This question is required.
Not at all likely
123456789Extremely likely
4. If you were not a professional website designer, would you recommend Wix to a friend? *This question is required.
Not at all likely
123456789Extremely likely
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