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Winter Elementary Principal Networking

ESE’s Early Learning Team and MSAA will be hosting a round of 3 winter regional network meetings for elementary principals.  These sessions will provide elementary principals to network with area colleagues on topics related to early learning (Preschool-3rd grade), receive professional development and discuss problems of practice.

3 dates and locations are:

January 25: SOUTHEAST (Hedge School, Plymouth)
January 28: GREATER BOSTON (Sgt James Hill Elementary, Revere)
January 31: NORTHEAST (Paul F. Doyon Memorial School, Ipswich)

The Elementary Principals regional network meetings will take place from 8:30-12:30 with registration beginning at 8:00. This year, we have added PK-3 classroom visits as part of the agenda at the school where we will host the network sessions.

Network topics will be based on the interests of the participants and may include, but not be limited to:
* Early literacy and math curriculum and instruction;
* Assessment practices;
* Social and Emotional Learning (SEL);
* Safe and Supportive Early Learning Environments;
* Working with English language learners;
* Addressing Gender identity in the early years; and
* Prenatal through Grade 12 Family Engagement framework.

As in past network opportunities, we will engage with the Case Consultancy model to discuss problems of practice. If you are interested in bringing forward a problem of practice, please indicate your interest when registering for your session.

For questions about the networking meetings, please contact a member of the Early Learning Team (781-338-3010 or
1. Contact Information *This question is required.
3. Are you interested in presenting during the case consultancy time? *This question is required.