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This survey will give EENET* a snapshot of the home learning situation globally during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Your answers will help EENET develop some inclusive home learning guidance for parents, guardians and families. We will also share the survey results in a brief report.

In this survey, 'children' refers to all children, young people, and youth, who are of the age to be attending pre-school, school, college, university or other education settings.

You should answer this survey if you have children of these ages, or if you know about the situation of children, for instance through your work, relatives, friends or colleagues.

At the end of the survey you will be asked for your name and contact details.** You only need to tell us this information if you would be happy for us to contact you after the survey to discuss your answers/experiences further.

Your name will not be used in any documents we produce related to this survey. We may use the name of your country. If you are writing on behalf of an organisation that you mention in your answers, we may contact you to request permission to name the organisation in our documents.  

Thank you for helping EENET by completing this survey.

The EENET Team

* The Enabling Education Network shares free information globally about inclusive education. Visit our website to find out more: Email any queries about this survey to:  

**Any personal details that you provide in this survey will not be shared with anyone else. We will store all personal details securely according to GDPR regulations and delete the data once the project ends.
1. Please tick all that apply
I am a…

*This question is required.
3. Do you have children?
Please tick one of the following:
4. Do any of your children, or the children you know through work, friends or relatives have disabilities or special educational needs
5. How have schools where you live been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic?
Please tick one of the following:
7. If schools are closed, are learners receiving education support at home from teachers, schools, the government etc?

Please tick the answer that most closely matches your local situation:
9. What additional learning support is currently available in your local area?
Please tick all that apply:
11. If schools are closed, are parents and/or guardians receiving advice or practical support to help them with children learning at home?
Please tick all that apply:
13. If schools are closed, are learners with disabilities or other special needs receiving home learning support appropriate to their needs?
Please tick the answer that best matches your local situation:
15. How do you (or the parents/guardians you know) feel about the home learning situation?
Please tick all that apply:
I / they:
17. How are your children (or the children you know) reacting to the home learning situation?
Please tick all that apply: