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Regional Technical HS Survey (Parents)

New Hanover County Schools and Pender County Schools are partnering with Cape Fear Community College (CFCC) to develop a "Regional" Career & Technical High School option for students in grades 9-12+. The purpose of this new high school will be to provide students with the skills and knowledge they will need to be employable in a technical field upon graduation. This school is designed to offer students different options from the larger traditional high schools and the early college model. Some of these options include: blended learning opportunities, focused technical certificate/degree programs (tuition and fee free), work-based learning opportunities, smaller class sizes, school location on the college campus, career advising and planning, and students’ ability to participate in athletics.

In addition to a diploma, graduates of the Regional Technical High School will receive a Microsoft Office Certification, a Career Readiness Certificate, and an Associate of Applied Science or other credential from CFCC. Regional Technical High School students will also develop essential job skills through hands-on and real world experiences, learn personal financial management skills, and create a post-graduation plan for work or college placement. 

This brief survey asks for your input on the Regional Technical High School. This input will help us develop the specific programs and services to be offered through the new high school. We appreciate your participation in this exciting new opportunity for the students of New Hanover and Pender counties.
1. In which county do you live?
3. Which middle school does your student attend?
4. The Technical High School may offer programs in the following career areas. Please select all program areas (printed in bold) you feel would be of most interest to your student. Keep in mind the careers listed below are only a sample of the choices available in each program area.
6. The Technical High School will include a variety of support services to ensure students' success.  Which of the following services do you feel would most benefit your student? Please check all that apply.
8. The Technical High School will be located in the northern part of New Hanover County, on or near CFCC's North Campus in the Castle Hayne area, which is a central location for both New Hanover and Pender counties. How does this location affect your interest in enrolling your student at this high school?

Note: New Hanover and Pender county schools will provide transportation for Technical High School students.
9. How important is participation in extracurricular activities such as sports and student clubs to your student?
10. If offered at the Technical High School, which of the following extracurricular activities would be of most interest to your student? Please check all that apply. 
11. If it does not offer extracurricular activities, how would this affect your interest in enrolling your student in the Technical High School?
12. The Technical High School may offer and/or require career exploration, work-based learning experiences, college credit courses based on their field of interest, and internships during summers. Would your student be interested in a high school that offers courses during the summer or even as a year round school (year-round education is when schools operate on a 180+ day system, yet they spread these days out across the year with shorter breaks between each term as opposed to a longer summer break)?
13. Please rank the following factors based on how important they would be in deciding whether to enroll your student in the Technical High School. Place in order from 1-10, 1 being the most important factor, 10 being the least important factor in making your decision.  Order the items from the following list. First select an item with the spacebar to show a menu of possible ranking positions. Next, click a ranking position to order it in the ranked list. Note the menu will display more ordering options as you add items to the ranked list.
14. Students will be eligible to enroll in the Technical High School at any high school grade level. If you decide to enroll your student in the Regional Technical High School, at which grade level would you choose for his/her enrollment to begin?
15. What would you like for your student to do upon graduating from the Technical High School?
16. Based on the information you have been provided, how interested are you in enrolling your student in the new Technical High School?
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