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Course Redesign with Affordable Learning Solutions (AL$) Call for Participation - Fall 2016

Course Redesign with Affordable Learning Solutions (AL$)
Online Application


In a recent survey of Cal State L.A. students, over 40% cited high textbook costs as a significant barrier to their learning. Often our students, who struggle financially, do not purchase their textbooks. Faculty interested in adopting an electronic textbook (eText) or open educational resource (OER) are invited to participate in a pilot program to help address this issue. Significant professional support and development is offered as part of the program.

CETL will be funding up to 25 faculty to incorporate low/no cost texts into their course, which will include a provided Moodle course template.  As part of this two-semester program, participants will take online professional development on effective teaching practices from the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE).  These online modules (valued at $500) will be facilitated by CETL staff and will expose faculty to research-based effective instructional practices.  Each module will require faculty to try a new effective teaching practice in their Fall 2016 course and reflect on its impact on students.  Topics include:

  • Delivering an Effective Lecture
  • Checking for Student Understanding
  • Developing Self-Directed Learners
  • Planning Effective Class Discussions
  • Embracing Diversity in your Classroom
Faculty must commit to fully participate in these online modules, including filming themselves teach a portion of one class session, which will be peer-reviewed with cohort participants and/or CETL staff. 

Fall 2016 Timeline (Part 1)
The program will begin with one mandatory face-to-face orientation session at CETL:
  • September 7, 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
  • September 7, 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
  • September 8, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
  • September 8, 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Faculty will complete one online module every two weeks beginning Monday, September 12, with the fifth and final module commencing on Friday, November 18, 2016.

Each learning module will take about 1-2 hours to view the online video-rich content, plus additional time to plan and incorporate an effective teaching practice in your Fall course every 2 weeks.  All modules will end with discussion forum reflections, goal setting for Spring semester, and module evaluations.  

Meanwhile, faculty will begin planning how to incorporate the new teaching practices, and new eText/OER in their Spring 2017 course.  A Moodle course template will be provided to help structure the Spring 2017 course with the new eText/OER and teaching best practices.  Faculty must attend at least CETL’s Getting Started with Moodle, and Online Activities and Assignments workshops prior Spring 2017 semester. 

Spring 2017 Timeline (Part 2)
Faculty will teach their redesigned course using the provided Moodle template and will incorporate the teaching best practices learned through the ACUE online modules. 

Faculty agree to administer a mid-course evaluation to students, or a pre- and post- knowledge survey.  Faculty also agree that any reflections and posts in the ACUE online modules can be used in a final ePortfolio to report the course redesign efforts to the CSU Chancellor’s Office. 

Faculty who successfully complete this two-semester sequence will receive a $1,500 stipend. Faculty must commit to participating both semesters.

Eligible Applicants

All faculty interested in adopting an eText or open educational resource (OER) are eligible to participate with priority given to faculty who wish to redesign a high demand, or large lecture course.

Faculty should be familiar with essential Moodle features and have completed the following CETL workshops during Fall 2016 (or provide proof of completion of workshop prior to Fall 2016):
  • Getting Started with Moodle
  • Moodle Online Activities and Assignments
For more information on CETL's workshops, please visit:
1. Instructor Contact Information *This question is required.
This question requires a valid email address.

Course Details

*This question is required.

Syllabus of Course

Please upload a copy of the syllabus for the course you wish to redesign. *This question is required.
5. If selected, which face-to-face ACUE orientation session can you attend?  (Check all that apply)
  • I will commit to the two-semester program of completion of ACUE professional development modules in Fall 2016, and adopt an eText or at least one OER for my Spring 2017 course.
  • I will utilize the provided Moodle template to help structure my Spring 2017 redesigned course.
  • I will allow the filming of a portion of one class session for peer review with a cohort participant and/or CETL facilitator.
  • I will complete all 5 ACUE modules within the given time frame.
  • I will allow my ACUE module reflections and forum posts, photos, quotes, and anonymous student feedback to be used in a final ePortfolio to report course redesign efforts to the CSU Chancellor's Office.  
  • If I do not successfully meet any portion of this program, my stipend may be reduced or forfeited.