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2020 COVID-19 Child Care Survey

Sixty percent of child care providers in Florida have at least temporarily closed their doors, and more continue to close. As a champion for our youngest Floridians, the Florida Chamber Foundation would like to take a closer look at how the lack of child care/early learning programs has affected you and your organization during this time. Please complete the following three-minute survey to help us gain a better understanding of exactly how we can help Florida's families.
1. Are you currently working remotely?
2. Is your industry considered to be "essential" during this time?
3. Has the current lack of child care/early learning programs affected your colleagues or co-workers?
4. Has your organization put any measures in place to assist staff or employees with the lack of child care/early learning programs at this time (e.g. additional paid leave, education resources, etc.)? 
Please rank your agreement with the following statements.
6. My organization's employees have expressed concerns about working remotely while also taking care of children or attending to remote classroom needs.
DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeNeutralSomewhat AgreeAgree
7. Myself and/or my colleagues have used vacation days to take care of children and/or create a child care plan.
DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeNeutralSomewhat AgreeAgree