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Shareist for Managing Writers

Page One

At Shareist, we're focusing hard on making your content marketing process better and more efficient, particularly in working with other team members who contribute content. In the context of this survey, writers and contributors may be anybody who helps you with content, whether they're hired freelancers, other team members, or guest bloggers -- anyone who contributes content to your projects.
1. How do you describe yourself? If more than one applies, choose your favorite :) *This question is required.
2. Do you employ the use of team members, writers, or guest bloggers to contribute content? *This question is required.
If you don't have experience with writers/contributors, you can answer N/A to the remaining, or just answer hypothetically.
3. Besides finding great writers, what are the biggest challenges in working with contributors/writers on your content projects? (check any that apply) *This question is required.
5. What tools do you currently use to manage content contributed by others? *This question is required.
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This question requires a valid email address.
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